
Prof. Dr. Melissa Siegel

Money and Mobility: Migration and Remittances

Year: 2010

Chris de Neubourg

Selected publications by Melissa Siegel

Articles (journal, professional, popular)
Wong, Pui-hang, Ortrun Merkle & Melissa Siegel, 2024, `Remittance Receivers as Targets for Corruption in Latin America, Journal of Development Studies, 60, More information
Siruno, Lalaine & Melissa Siegel, 2023, `The impacts of COVID-19 on Filipino irregular migrant domestic workers in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Migration Policy Practice, XII, More information
Siruno, Lalaine & Melissa Siegel, 2023, `Resilience strategies of Filipino irregular migrant domestic workers in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic, Population, Space and Place, More information
Volante, Louis, Camila Lara, Don A. Klinger & Melissa Siegel, 2022, `Academic resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: a triarchic analysis of education policy developments across Canada, Canadian Journal of Education, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger & Melissa Siegel, 2021, `Immigrant student resilience: Policy directions for a post-COVID world, Migration Policy Practice, 11, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger & Melissa Siegel, 2021, `Confronting the challenge of immigrant and refugee student underachievement: A comparative analysis of education policies and programs in Canada, New Zealand, and England, Comparative and International Education, 49
Meshkovska, Biljana, Arjan E. R. Bos & Melissa Siegel, 2021, `Long-term (re)integration of persons trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation, International Review of Victimology, Online, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger, Livianna Tossutti & Melissa Siegel, 2021, `Student achievement depends on reducing poverty now and after COVID-19, The Conversation, April 19, More information
Volante, Louis, Camila Lara, Don A. Klinger & Melissa Siegel, 2020, `The use of a multi-dimensional support model to examine policies and practices for immigrant students across Canada, Canadian Journal of Education, 43
Fajth, Veronika, Özge Bilgili, Craig Loschmann & Melissa Siegel, 2019, `How do refugees affect social life in host communities? The case of Congolese refugees in Rwanda, Comparative Migration Studies, 7, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger, Melissa Siegel & Leena Yahia, 2019, `Policy options for addressing immigrant student achievement gaps, Migration Policy and Practice, 9, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger, Melissa Siegel & Leena Yahia, 2019, `Raising the achievement of immigrant students: Towards a multi-layered framework for enhanced student outcomes, Policy Futures in Education, 17, More information
Loschmann, Craig, Özge Bilgili & Melissa Siegel, 2019, `Considering the benefits of hosting refugees: evidence of refugee camps influencing local labour market activity and economic welfare in Rwanda, IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 9, More information
Bilgili, Özge, Craig Loschmann, Sonja Fransen & Melissa Siegel, 2019, `Is the Education of Local Children Influenced by Living near a Refugee Camp? Evidence from Host Communities in Rwanda, International Migration, More information
Bilgili, Özge, Craig Loschmann, Sonja Fransen & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `Is the education of local children influenced by living nearby a refugee camp? Evidence from host communities in Rwanda, International Migration, 57, More information
Fransen, Sonja, Carlos Vargas-Silva & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `The Impact of Refugee Experiences on Education, IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 8:6, More information
Bilgili, Özge, Katherine Kuschminder & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `Return migrants' perceptions of living conditions in Ethiopia: A gendered analysis, Migration Studies, 6, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `The secrets of immigrant student success, The Conversation, More information
Kuschminder, Katherine, Lisa Andersson & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `Migration and multidimensional well-being in Ethiopia: investigating the role of migrants destinations, Migration and Development, More information
Roosen, Inez & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `Migration and its influence on the knowledge and usage of birth control methods among Afghan women who stay behind, Public Health, 158, More information
Fransen, Sonja, Carlos Vargas-Silva & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `The impact of refugee experiences on education: evidence from Burundi, IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 8, More information
Merkle, Ortrun, Julia Reinold & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `Corruption, Gender and Migration, 2018 Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum, More information
Cebotari, Victor, Melissa Siegel & Valentina Mazzucato, 2018, `Migration and child health in Moldova and Georgia, Comparative Migration Studies, 6, More information
Vanore, Michaella, Melissa Siegel, Franziska Gassmann & Jennifer Waidler, 2018, `Adult Child Migration and Elderly Multidimensional Well-Being: Comparative Analysis Between Moldova and Georgia, Research on Aging, 40, More information
Gassmann, Franziska, Melissa Siegel, Michaella Vanore & Jennifer Waidler, 2018, `Unpacking the Relationship between Parental Migration and Child well-Being: Evidence from Moldova and Georgia, Child Indicators Research, 11, More information
Waidler, Jennifer, Michaella Vanore, Franziska Gassmann & Melissa Siegel, 2018, `Migration and the Multi-Dimensional Well-Being of Elderly Persons in Georgia, Journal of Population Ageing, 11, More information
Waidler, Jennifer, Michaella Vanore, Franziska Gassmann & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `Does it matter where the children are? , Ageing and Society, 37, More information
Siegel, Melissa, 2017, `Commentary on Dean Yang, Des politiques migratoires pour promouvoir le développement (Migration Policies for Development), Revue d'économie du développement, 25
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger, Özge Bilgili & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `Making sense of the performance (dis)advantage for immigrant students across Canada, Canadian Journal of Education, 40
Bilgili, Özge, Katherine Kuschminder & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `Return migrants’ perceptions of living conditions in Ethiopia, Migration Studies, More information
Hooijen, Inge, Christoph Meng, Julia Reinold & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `Competition for talent, European Planning Studies, 25, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger, Özge Bilgili & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `The immigrant (dis)advantage, Education Canada, More information
Volante, Louis, Don A. Klinger, Melissa Siegel & Özge Bilgili, 2017, `Immigrant youth help to build nations, The Conversation, More information
Naudé, Wim, Melissa Siegel & Katrin Marchand, 2017, `Migration, entrepreneurship and development, IZA Journal of Migration, 6, More information
Cebotari, Victor, Valentina Mazzucato & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `Gendered perceptions of migration among Ghanaian children in transnational care, Child Indicators Research, in press , More information
Waidler, Jennifer, Jessica Sabine Hagen-Zanker, Franziska Gassmann & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `Do remittances and social assistance have different impacts on expenditure patterns of recipient households? , Migration and Development, in press , More information
Waidler, Jennifer, Michaella Vanore, Franziska Gassmann & Melissa Siegel, 2017, `Does it matter where the children are? , Ageing and Society, 37, More information
van Houte, Marieke, Melissa Siegel & Tine Davids, 2016, `Deconstructing the meanings of and motivations for return: an Afghan case study, Comparative Migration Studies, 4, More information
Cebotari, Victor, Melissa Siegel & Valentina Mazzucato, 2016, `Migration and the education of children who stay behind in Moldova and Georgia, International Journal of Educational Development, 51, More information
Cebotari, Victor, Valentina Mazzucato & Melissa Siegel, 2016, `Child development and migrant transnationalism: the health of children who stay behind in Ghana and Nigeria, Journal of Development Studies, 53, More information
Meshkovska, Biljana, Nikola Mickovski, Arjan E. R. Bos & Melissa Siegel, 2016, `Trafficking of women for sexual exploitation in Europe: Prosecution, trials and their impact, Anti-Trafficking Review, 6
Sturge, Georgina, Özge Bilgili & Melissa Siegel, 2016, `Migrants’ capacity as actors of development: do skills matter for economic and social remittances?, Global Networks, 16
Bilgili, Özge & Melissa Siegel, 2015, `To return permanently or to return temporarily? Explaining migrants’ intentions, Migration and Development, More information
Kuschminder, Katherine & Melissa Siegel, 2015, `Determinants of diaspora policy engagement of Ethiopians in the Netherlands, African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal, More information
Loschmann, Craig, Christopher R. Parsons & Melissa Siegel, 2015, `Does Shelter Assistance Reduce Poverty in Afghanistan?, World Development, 74, More information
Vanore, Michaella & Melissa Siegel, 2015, `The evolution of gendered migration trajectories from Moldova & Georgia, Comparative Migration Studies, 3, More information
Meshkovska, Biljana, Melissa Siegel, Sarah E. Stutterheim & Arjan E. R. Bos, 2015, `Female Sex Trafficking: Conceptual Issues, Current Debates, and Future Directions, Journal of Sex Research, 52, More information
Ruiz, Isabel, Melissa Siegel & Carlos Vargas-Silva, 2015, `Forced Up or Down? The Impact of Forced Migration on Social Status, Journal of Refugee Studies, 28, More information
Loschmann, Craig & Melissa Siegel, 2015, `Revisiting the Motivations behind Remittance Behavior: Evidence of Debt-Financed Migration from Afghanistan, migration letters, 12, More information
Brown, Richard, Jørgen Carling, Sonja Fransen & Melissa Siegel, 2014, `Measuring remittances through surveys: Methodological and conceptual issues for survey researchers and data analysts, Demographic Research, 31, More information
Vanore, Michaella, Valentina Mazzucato & Melissa Siegel, 2014, `‘Left behind’ but not left alone: Parental migration & the psychosocial health of children in Moldova, Social Science & Medicine, 132, More information
Brown, Richard, Jørgen Carling, Sonja Fransen & Melissa Siegel, 2014, `Measuring remittances through surveys: Methodological and conceptual issues for survey designers and data analysts, Demographic Research, 31, More information
van Houte, Marieke, Melissa Siegel & Tine Davids, 2014, `Return to Afghanistan: Migration as Reinforcement of Socio-Economic Stratification, Population, Space and Place, 21, More information
Kuschminder, Katherine, Melissa Siegel & Nassim Majidi, 2014, `The changing nature of return migration to Afghanistan, Forced Migration Review, 46, More information
Bilgili, Özge & Melissa Siegel, 2014, `Policy perspectives of Turkey towards return migration: From permissive indifference to selective difference, Migration Letters, 11, More information
Loschmann, Craig & Melissa Siegel, 2014, `The influence of vulnerability on migration intentions in Afghanistan, Migration and Development, 3, More information
Siegel, Melissa & Matthias Lücke, 2013, `Migrant transnationalism and the choice of transfer channels for remittances: The case of Moldova, Global Networks, 13, More information
Besharov, Douglas J., Mark H. Lopez & Melissa Siegel, 2013, `International Conference News: Trends in Migration and Migration Policy, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 32, More information
Vanore, Michaella & Melissa Siegel, 2013, `Migration and its impact on those staying behind: New evidence from Georgia and the Republic of Moldova, Migration Policy Practice, III, More information
McKenzie, David & Melissa Siegel, 2013, `Eliciting illegal migration rates through list randomization, Migration Studies, 1, More information
Siegel, Melissa & Sonja Fransen, 2013, `New Technologies in Remittances Sending: Opportunities for Mobile Remittances in Africa, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 5
Siegel, Melissa & Matthias Lücke, 2012, `What determines remittance channel choice? The case of Moldova, Global Networks, 13
Siegel, Melissa & Jennifer Waidler, 2012, `Migration and multi-dimensional poverty in Moldovan communities, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 3
Siegel, Melissa, 2011, `Book review: The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, 4th Edition, 37:6, 975-976, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vanore, Michaella & Melissa Siegel, 2011, `Migration and its impact on those staying behind: New evidence from Georgia and the Republic of Moldova, Migration Policy Practice, III
Siegel, Melissa, 2011, `The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, 4th Edition, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine & Melissa Siegel, 2009, `A critical discussion of the determinants of remittances in Albania and Moldova, Romanian Journal of European Studies (RJES), 7-8
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine , Melissa Siegel & Chris de Neubourg, 2009, `Strings attached. The impediments to migration in Albania and Moldova, Journal of South-East European and Black Sea Studies, 9

Book chapters
Siegel, Melissa, 2021, Remittances, health access and outcomes, in: Galea, S., Ettman, C. and Zaman, M, Migration and Health, University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Siegel, Melissa, 2020, Remittances and Repercussions, in: Sirkeci, I. and Cohen, J, Human Mobility and the Pandemic, Transnational Press London, London
Merkle, Ortrun, Julia Reinold & Melissa Siegel, 2020, Shaping the migration journey – the role of corruption, in: Maty Konte and Linguère Mously Mbaye (eds), Migration, Remittances, and Sustainable Development in Africa, Routledge, Abingdon/New York, More information
Andersson, Lisa & Melissa Siegel, 2020, The Impact of Migration on Development in Developing Countries: A Review of the Empirical Literature, in: Glenn Rayp, Ilse Ruyssen & Katrin Marchand (eds), Regional Integration and Migration Governance in the Global South, Springer, Dordrecht, More information
Siegel, Melissa, 2020, Migration and Health, in: Bastia, Tanja & Ronald Skeldon, Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development, Routledge, UK, More information
Fransen, Sonja & Melissa Siegel, 2017, The multi-dimensional reintegration of first- and second-generation returned children, in: M. Ensor and E. Gozdziak, Children and Forced Migration: Durable Solutions during Transient Years, Palgrave Macmillan, London
Loschmann, Craig, Katherine Kuschminder & Melissa Siegel, 2017, The Root Causes of Movement: Exploring the Determinants of Irregular Migration from Afghanistan, in: Marie McAuliffe and Khalid Koser, A long way to go: Irregular migration patterns, processes, drivers and decision making, ANU Press, Canberra, More information
Fransen, Sonja & Melissa Siegel, 2016, Diaspora Engagement after conflict in the Great Lakes Region: A Comparison of Burundi and Rwanda, in: D.J. Besharov and M. Lopez, Adjusting to a world in motion: Trends in global migration and migration policy, Oxford University Press, UK
Fransen, Sonja & Melissa Siegel, 2016, Diaspora Engagement Policies after Conflict: Burundi and Rwanda, in: D. Besharov and M. Lopez (Eds.), Adjusting to a World in Motion: Trends in Global Migration and Migration Policy, Oxford University Press, Boston
Hercog, Metka & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Promoting Circular International Migration of the Highly Skilled, in: Diego Acosta Arcarazo and Anja Wiesbrock (Eds), Global Migration Old Assumptions, New Dynamics, Praeger, USA, More information
Buil, Carla & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Destination Europe: Afghan Unaccompanied Minors Crossing Borders, in: Spyros Spyrou, Miranda Christou (eds), Children and Borders, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, More information
Bilgili, Özge & Melissa Siegel, 2013, From Economic to Political Engagement: Analysing the Changing Role of the Turkish Diaspora, in: Collyer, Michael, Emigration Nations: the ideologies and policies of emigrant engagement, Palgrave, UK, More information
Hercog, Metka & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Diaspora Engagement in India: From Non-Required Indians to Angels of Development, in: Collyer, Michael, Emigration Nations: the ideologies and policies of emigrant engagement, Palgrave, UK, More information
Kuschminder, Katherine & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Diaspora Engagement and Policy in Ethiopia, in: Michael Collyer, Emigration Nations, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, More information
Siegel, Melissa, 2012, A guide to managing large-scale migration research projects , in: Vargas Silva, C. (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, More information
Kuschminder, Katherine, Lisa Andersson & Melissa Siegel, 2012, Profiling Ethiopian migration: A comparison of characteristics of Ethiopian migrants to Africa, the Middle East and the North, in: Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues (Ed.), Crossing African borders: Migration and mobility, Center of African Studies (CEA), ISCTE-IUL, University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, More information
Siegel, Melissa, J. Plantenga, C. Remery & L. Sementini, 2009, Childcare Services in 25 European Union Members States: The Barcelona Targets Revisited, in: Leira, Arnlaug and Chiara Saraceno (eds), Childhood: Changing Contexts, Comparative Social Research, Volume 25, Emerald, Bingley

UNU-MERIT Working Papers
Mukherjee, Manisha, Bruno Martorano & Melissa Siegel, 2024, Scorching heat and shrinking horizons: The impact of rising temperatures on marriages and migration in rural India, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2024-011
Hillenbrand, Tobias, Bruno Martorano, Laura Metzger & Melissa Siegel, 2024, The power of narratives: How framing refugee migration impacts attitudes and political support towards refugees, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2024-007
Hillenbrand, Tobias, Bruno Martorano, Laura Metzger & Melissa Siegel, 2023, How humanitarian are Germans towards refugees?, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2023-033
Mack, Miriam, Sarah Roeder, Katrin Marchand & Melissa Siegel, 2020, Intra-EU migration: Shedding light on drivers, corridors and the relative importance of migrant characteristics, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2020-042
Dubow, Talitha, Katrin Marchand & Melissa Siegel, 2020, International student mobility decision-making in a European context, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2020-031
Bilgili, Özge, Louis Volante, Don A. Klinger & Melissa Siegel, 2019, Confronting the challenge of immigrant and refugee student underachievement: Policies and practices from Canada, New Zealand and the European Union, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2019-048
Stewart-Evans, Michael & Melissa Siegel, 2018, Left-behind men in Nicaragua: The rise of the Padre-Luchadores, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2018-034
Kuschminder, Katherine & Melissa Siegel, 2016, Rejected Afghan asylum seekers in the Netherlands: Migration experiences, current situations and future aspirations, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2016-007
Naudé, Wim, Melissa Siegel & Katrin Marchand, 2015, Migration, entrepreneurship and development: A critical review, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2015-033
Waidler, Jennifer, Jessica Sabine Hagen-Zanker, Franziska Gassmann & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Do remittances and social assistance have different impacts on expenditure patterns of recipient households? The Moldovan case, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2014-072
Loschmann, Craig, Melissa Siegel & Christopher R. Parsons, 2014, Does shelter assistance reduce poverty in Afghanistan?, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2014-051
Bilgili, Özge & Melissa Siegel, 2014, To return permanently or to return temporarily? Explaining migrants' intentions, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2014-041
Buil, Carla & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Afghan unaccompanied minors in the Netherlands: Far away from home and protected?, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2014-037
Dekker, Bram & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Transnationalism and integration: Complements or Substitutes?, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2013-071
Lebon-McGregor, Elaine & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Social Media and Migration Research, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2013-068
Gassmann, Franziska, Melissa Siegel, Michaella Vanore & Jennifer Waidler, 2013, The impact of migration on children left behind in Moldova, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2013-043
Loschmann, Craig & Melissa Siegel, 2013, The influence of vulnerability on migration intentions in Afghanistan, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2013-038
McKenzie, David & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Eliciting Illegal migration rates through list randomization, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2013-023
Gassmann, Franziska, Melissa Siegel, Michaella Vanore & Jennifer Waidler, 2012, The impact of migration on elderly left behind in Moldova, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2012-082
Siegel, Melissa & Jennifer Waidler, 2012, Migration and multi-dimensional poverty in Moldovan communities, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2012-077
Fransen, Sonja, Katherine Kuschminder & Melissa Siegel, 2012, Implementation of cross-country migration surveys in conflict-affected settings: Lessons from the IS Academy survey in Burundi and Ethiopia, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2012-019
Siegel, Melissa & Sonja Fransen, 2012, New Technologies in remittances sending: Opportunities for mobile remittances in Africa, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2012-018
Siegel, Melissa & Katherine Kuschminder, 2012, Highly skilled temporary return, technological change and Innovation: The Case of the TRQN Project in Afghanistan, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2012-017
Hercog, Metka & Melissa Siegel, 2011, Engaging the diaspora in India, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2011-041
Kuschminder, Katherine & Melissa Siegel, 2011, Understanding Ethiopian diaspora engagement policy, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2011-040
Bilgili, Özge & Melissa Siegel, 2011, Understanding the changing role of the Turkish diaspora, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2011-039
Fransen, Sonja & Melissa Siegel, 2011, The Development of Diaspora Engagement Policies in Burundi and Rwanda, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2011-038
Hercog, Metka & Melissa Siegel, 2011, Promoting return and circular migration of the highly skilled, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2011-015
Siegel, Melissa & Chris de Neubourg, 2011, A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2011-014

MGSoG Working Papers
Siegel, Melissa & M. Luecke, 2009, What Determines the Choice of Transfer Channel for Migrant Remittances? The Case of Moldova, MGSoG Working Paper 2009-002
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine , Melissa Siegel & Chris de Neubourg, 2008, Strings attached: The impediments to migration, MGSoG Working Paper 2008-005
Siegel, Melissa, 2007, Immigrant integration and remittance channel choice, MGSoG Working Paper 2007-009
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine & Melissa Siegel, 2007, A critical discussion of the motivations to remit in Albania and Moldova, MGSoG Working Paper 2007-007
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine & Melissa Siegel, 2007, The determinants of remittances: A review of the literature, MGSoG Working Paper 2007-003

External working papers
Bilgili, Özge, Craig Loschmann & Melissa Siegel, 2018, The Gender-Based Effects of Displacement: The Case of Congolese Refugees in Rwanda , KNOMAD Working Paper 21, More information
Bilgili, Özge, Craig Loschmann & Melissa Siegel, 2017, The Gender-Based Effects of Displacement: The Case of Congolese Refugees in Rwanda, KNOMAD Working Paper 21, More information
Naudé, Wim, Melissa Siegel & Katrin Marchand, 2015, Migration, Entrepreneurship and Development: A Critical Review, IZA Discussion Paper Series No. 9284, More information

Research reports
Memon, Rashid, Melissa Siegel & Jessica Sabine Hagen-Zanker, 2024, How do social remittances affect development? MIGNEX Policy Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo, MIGNEX Policy Brief. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo, More information
Carling, Jørgen, Mathias Czaika, Carlos Vargas-Silva & Melissa Siegel, 2024, Effects of involuntary immobility on development, MIGNEX Background Paper. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo, More information
Memon, R., Marcela G. Rubio, Katrin Marchand, Jessica Sabine Hagen-Zanker & Melissa Siegel, 2023, The indirect effects of migration on development, MIGNEX Background Paper. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo, More information
Marchand, Katrin, Jessica Sabine Hagen-Zanker, Rashid Memon, Marcela G. Rubio & Melissa Siegel, 2023, Direct effects of migration on development, MIGNEX Background Paper. Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo, More information
Meshkovska, Biljana, Nasrat Sayed, Katharina Koch, Iman Rajabzadeh, Carole Wenger & Melissa Siegel, 2019, Afghan Diaspora in Europe: Mapping engagement in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, Study commissioned by Danish Refugee Council, More information
Dubow, Talitha, Sarah Roeder, Katrin Marchand & Melissa Siegel, 2019, Evidence of the Determinants of Migration in the EU, H2020 REMINDER Working Paper, More information
Marchand, Katrin, Veronika Fajth & Melissa Siegel, 2019, Relevant Data to Understand Migration in the EU, REMINDER Main Report, More information
Andersson, Lisa & Melissa Siegel, 2019, Empirical assessments of the development impacts of migration, Mignex background paper, More information
Marchand, Katrin, Veronika Fajth, Zachary Strain, Clotilde Mahé & Melissa Siegel, 2019, Patterns of Migration in the European Union, H2020 REMINDER Working Paper, More information
Siegel, Melissa, Katrin Marchand, Ilkin Nazarov, Violeta Wagner & Ekaterina Belukova, 2017, Determination of the Demand for Foreign Labour Force in the Labour Market of Azerbaijan, Prepared by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Vienna - Austria; Funded by the European Union, More information
Bruni, Vittorio, Katharina Koch, Melissa Siegel & Zachary Strain, 2017, Study on Migration Routes in West and Central Africa, Commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, More information
Siegel, Melissa, Elaine Lebon-McGregor & Sarah Langley, 2017, Guidelines on mainstreaming migration into local development planning, Commissioned by the UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative, 1-112, More information
Merkle, Ortrun, Julia Reinold & Melissa Siegel, 2017, A Gender Perspective on Corruption Encountered during Forced and Irregular Migration, comissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), More information
Merkle, Ortrun, Julia Reinold & Melissa Siegel, 2017, A Study on the Link between Corruption and the Causes of Migration and Forced Displacement, comissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), More information
Marchand, Katrin, Inez Roosen, Julia Reinold & Melissa Siegel, 2017, Irregular Migration from and in the East and Horn of Africa, Report commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the framework of the EU-funded Better Migration Management (BMM) Programme, More information
Ragab, Nora Jasmin, Laura Rahmeier & Melissa Siegel, 2017, Mapping the Syrian diaspora in Germany - Contributions to peace, reconstruction and potentials for collaboration with German Development Cooperation, commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), More information
Engelhardt, Achim, Andreas Fischlin, Ilona Kick-busch, Melissa Siegel & Pierre Walther, 2015, Evaluation of SDC’s Global Programmes Climate Change; Water Initiatives; Food Security; Migration and Development and Health, Commissioned by SDC, More information
Bilgili, Özge & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Migration and Development: A World in Motion - The Netherlands Country Profile, IS Academy Survey The Netherlands, More information
Weyel, Silja , Craig Loschmann & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Migration and Development: A World in Motion - Morocco Country Report, IS Academy survey Morocco, More information
Marchand, Katrin, Melissa Siegel, Katherine Kuschminder, Nassim Majidi, Michaella Vanore & Carla Buil, 2015, Afghanistan Migration Profile, Report prepared for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), More information
Kuschminder, Katherine, Julia de Bresser & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Irregular Migration Routes to Europe and Factors Influencing Migrants’ Destination Choices, Commissioned by Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatie Centrum (WODC), More information
Siegel, Melissa, Katrin Marchand & Elaine Lebon-McGregor, 2015, Independent Evaluation of Swiss Migration Partnerships: Final Report, Deliverable project 'Evaluation of the Swiss Migration Partnerships'
Marchand, Katrin, Sarah Langley & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Diaspora engagement in development: An analysis of the engagement of the Nigerian diaspora in Germany and the potentials for cooperation, Study commissioned by GIZ on the engagement of two African diaspora groups in Germany
Bonfiglio, Ayla, Elaine Lebon-McGregor & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Diaspora engagement in development: An analysis of the engagement of the Kenyan diaspora in Germany and the potentials for cooperation, Study commissioned by GIZ, More information
Juzwiak, Teressa, Elaine Lebon-McGregor & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Migrant and refugee integration in global cities: The role of cities and businesses, Commissioned by The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP), More information
Marchand, Katrin & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Cities, Background paper World Migration Report 2015, IOM, More information
Lebon-McGregor, Elaine, Melissa Siegel, Nora Jasmin Ragab & Teressa Juzwiak, 2014, A New Global Partnership for Development: Factoring in the Contribution of Migration, Migration Research Series No. 50 commissioned by the International Organisation for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland, More information
Juzwiak, Teressa, Elaine Lebon-McGregor & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Migrant and refugee integration in global cities - the role of cities and businesses, The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP)
Kuschminder, Katherine & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Migration & development: A world in motion - Ethiopia country report, IS Academy Migration and Development survey Ethiopia
Loschmann, Craig, Katrin Marchand, Melissa Siegel, Nassim Majidi & Camille Hennion, 2013, Evaluation of the UNHCR Shelter Assistance Programme, Report of the UNHCR Shelter Assistance Evaluation Afghanistan (2012-2013) project
Loschmann, Craig, Katrin Marchand, Melissa Siegel, Nassim Majidi & Camille Hennion, 2013, Evaluation of the UNHCR Shelter Assistance Programme - executive summary, Executive summary of the UNHCR Shelter Assistance Evaluation Afghanistan (2012-2013) project
Siegel, Melissa, Elaine Lebon-McGregor, Vivianne van der Vorst & Bram Frouws, 2013, Independent evaluation of ILO’s work on international labour migration: Executive Summary, Comissioned by ILO, Geneva. The report is vailable in English, French and Spanish, More information
Ragab, Nora Jasmin, Elaine Lebon-McGregor & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Diaspora Engagement in Development: An Analysis of the Engagement of the Tunisian Diaspora in Germany and the Potentials for Cooperation, This study was commissioned by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Development Agency) (GiZ), More information
Kuschminder, Katherine, Elaine Lebon-McGregor, Melissa Siegel & Vivianne van der Vorst, 2012, Migration for Development in the Western Balkans (MIDWEB): Final Evaluation, Commissioned by IOM the Netherlands, More information
Siegel, Melissa & Vivianne van der Vorst, 2012, Evaluation of the 'Blue Birds' Circular Migration Pilot in The Netherlands, Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Siegel, Melissa & Michaella Vanore, 2011, OxfamNovib Study on the Needs and Wants of African Migrants in Europe with regards to Remittance Sending, Final Report, More information

Siegel, Melissa, 2010, Money and Mobility: Migration and Remittances, MGSoG Dissertation Series

Lebon-McGregor, Elaine, Katrin Marchand, Melissa Siegel & Howard Hudson (eds.), 2015, Swiss Migration Partnerships: A New Tool for Bilateral Cooperation on Migration?, Policy Brief
Juzwiak, Teressa, Elaine Lebon-McGregor, Melissa Siegel & Howard Hudson (eds.), 2014, Migrant and Refugee Integration in Global Cities: The Role of Cities and Businesses, This policy brief considers how businesses and governments in global cities contribute to the integration of migrant and refugee populations, either through outreach, specialized programmes, the provision of services, or targeted funding of non-governmental organizations (NGOs); and to what extent these contributions can be deepened or expanded, More information
Sturge, Georgina, Elaine Lebon-McGregor & Melissa Siegel, 2014, Watching a World in Motion: Reflections on the IS Academy Project, IS Academy Policy Brief No.19
Lebon-McGregor, Elaine, Özge Bilgili & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Migration in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, IS Academy Policy Brief No. 16
Kuschminder, Katherine, Nassim Majidi, Ceri Oeppen & Melissa Siegel, 2013, Complexities and Challenges in Afghan Migration: Policy and Research Event, Migration Policy Brief No.14, More information
Siegel, Melissa & Katherine Kuschminder, 2011, A Who’s Who in Ethiopian Migration?, Migration Policy Brief No. 5, IS Academie, More information
Fransen, Sonja & Melissa Siegel, 2010, Diaspora Engagement in Burundi: The Emergence of a Migration Policy, Migration Policy Brief No. 3, IS Academie, More information

Data sets

Other (editorship, media appearance, keynote, etc.)
Siegel, Melissa, 2019, MIGNEX, MIGNEX Insight, More information
Siegel, Melissa, 2019, , UNU-MERIT blog series, More information
Siegel, Melissa, 2017, , Inaugural lecture, Maastricht University
Siegel, Melissa, 2016, , UNU-MERIT blog series, More information
Siegel, Melissa, 2016, , UNU-MERIT Mygration Story series
Siegel, Melissa, 2015, , UNU-MERIT blog series, More information
Vanore, Michaella, Nora Jasmin Ragab & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Diaspora and peace: What role for development cooperation, Background paper, More information
Carling, Jørgen, Erlend Paasche & Melissa Siegel, 2015, Finding Connections: The Nexus between Migration and Corruption, Feature article on MPI website, More information
Loschmann, Craig, Katherine Kuschminder & Melissa Siegel, 2014, The root causes of movement: Exploring the determinants of Irregular Migration from Afghanistan, Irregular Migration Research Programme Occasional Paper Series 11|2014, More information
Buil, Carla & Melissa Siegel, 2013, A New Multilateral Framework for Labour Migration: A Review of Options, This background paper assesses the feasibility of establishing an international framework for labour migration. It discusses the developmental implications of the prevailing ‘non-system’ of labour migration and the ways in which current immigration polici, More information
Siegel, Melissa, Sonja Fransen & Michaella Vanore, 2010, Website Evaluation 'Geld Naar Huis': User-Friendliness, Effectiveness, and Financial Sustainability, External policy report, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, More information
Siegel, Melissa, Michaella Vanore, R. Lucas & Chris de Neubourg, 2009, The Remittance Corridor between the Netherlands and Afghanistan, External policy report, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, the Netherlands, More information