Lalaine Siruno MA, MSc

PhD fellow

Research group(s):
6. Migration and Development
8. Population, Development and Labour Economics

Building on her previous research work on irregular migration, Lalaine's PhD project is a qualitative empirical project involving Filipino migrants (particularly those working in the domestic sector) in the Netherlands and their family or household members in the Philippines. It explores how migration status interacting with other macro-, meso-, and micro-level factors bears upon the functionings or human development outcomes of both individual migrants and their households. The project focuses on functionings that manifest through the mechanisms of remittances and of recognition. It also discusses the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resilience strategies adopted by migrant domestic workers.

In addition, Lalaine is looking more closely into the role of beliefs in migration and exploring the notion of what she calls "intentional" or "purposeful irregularity" in migration trajectories. The overarching objective of her research project is to elucidate a more nuanced and dynamic understanding of the relationship between (irregular) migration and human development. 

Lalaine has a bachelor's degree in Philosophy (magna cum laude) from the University of the Philippines - Diliman, a double master of arts in Applied Ethics from Linköping University and Utrecht University, and a master of science in the Governance of Migration and Diversity from Erasmus University Rotterdam (LDE programme with enrolment and courses in Leiden University, TU Delft and ISS-EUR). 

She has held research and/or teaching positions in various higher education institutions including the the University of the Philippines - Diliman, University of Oslo, and TU Delft. She has also been a visiting researcher at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), University of Oxford.

Research interests:

  • Migration and (human) development
  • Irregular (undocumented) migration 
  • Irregular migration stocks and flows
  • Migration and remittances
  • Migration and COVID-19
  • Labour migration and ethical recruitment 
  • Transnationalism


Other research projects:


Teaching and supervision:

  • Supervisor: Master's thesis, Migration specialisation, Master's in Public Policy and Human Development (MPP)
  • Instructor: Migration Management Diploma Programme (MMDP)
  • Mentor: Employability Track, MPP
  • Guest lecturer: MPP Migration Specialisation: The Migration Lifecycle: Journeys, Integration, Return
  • Tutor (AY2020-22): Negotiation Simulation, Solution of International Disputes Through Negotiation and Mutual Agreement, MPP
  • Tutor (AY2020-21): Public Economics, MPP
  • Tutor (AY2020-21): Global Policy Challenges in Comparative Regionalism (Project Management and Logical Framework Approach), MPP
  • Research tutor: Evidence-Based Policy Research Methods (EPRM)


MPP Theses Supervised (AY 2022-2023):

  • Allan Darwich (BR) - Figures of Fear: counting and using numbers of irregular migration into  the EU
  • Anne Droste (DE) - Living in Legal Illegality – How Does Living in Ongoing Temporariness Affect the Life Aspirations of Migrants with a Duldung Status in Germany?
  • Giulia Mori (IT) - The Impact of Covid-19 on NGOs’ Provision of Primary Healthcare and its Utilisation by Irregular Migrants in Italy


Full profile:


Selected publications by Lalaine Siruno

Articles (journal, professional, popular)
Siruno, Lalaine & Melissa Siegel, 2023, The impacts of COVID-19 on Filipino irregular migrant domestic workers in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Migration Policy Practice, XII(2): 49-54, More information
Siruno, Lalaine & Melissa Siegel, 2023, Resilience strategies of Filipino irregular migrant domestic workers in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic, Population, Space and Place, DOI:, More information
Siruno, Lalaine, Thomas Swerts & Arjen Leerkes, 2022, Personal Recognition Strategies of Undocumented Migrant Domestic Workers in The Netherlands, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2022.2077503, More information
Siruno, Lalaine, 2021, In God we trust: Religious beliefs and sensemaking of Filipino undocumented migrants in the Netherlands, Routed Migration & (Im)mobility Magazine(18), More information
Siruno, Lalaine, 2021, ‘We are Filipinos, we do bayanihan, we help each other’: undocumented migrants in the Netherlands during COVID, London School of Economics - COVID-19 Blog, More information
Siruno, Lalaine, 2009, Public Health Enforcement: Can it be Justified?, Asian Bioethics Review, 1(2): 54-55
Siruno, Lalaine, T. Awaya, S. Toledano, F. Aguilar, Y. Shimazono & L. de Castro, 2009, Failure of Informed Consent in Compensated Non-Related Kidney Donation in the Philippines, Asian Bioethics Review, 1(2): 138-143
Siruno, Lalaine, 2007, Operation Pot Belly: Dealing with Obesity in the Police Force (Case Response), Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 4(3): 243-244

Book chapters
Siruno, Lalaine, 2009, The Living Non-Related Organ Donation System in the Philippines (Translated to Japanese), in: K. Kai (Ed.), Post-Genome Society and Medical Law, Shinzansga, Tokyo
Siruno, Lalaine & F. Aguilar, 2004, Community Without a Kidney: A Tragedy?, in: D.R. Macer (Ed.), Challenges for Bioethics from Asia, Eubios Ethics Institute, Tsukuba

Research reports
Siruno, Lalaine, Arjen Leerkes, Maegan Hendow & Ema Brunovská, 2024, MIrreM Working Paper on Irregular Migration Flows, The working paper provides a methodological assessment of available data on irregular migration flows in Europe and other contexts. It is aimed at the public, including those who may not have a technical understanding of migration statistics. It addresses this research question: How are irregular migration flows measured and estimated in the EU and selected other countries and what can be said about the quality of the available indicators and estimates?, More information
Cherti, Myriam, Lucy Leon, M. Ambrosini, M. Cacciapaglia, Ruth Heylin, Shiva S. Mohan, K. Rakowska & Lalaine Siruno, 2024, Local Level Laws and Policies Addressing Irregular Migration, Local responses to irregular migrants vary widely. Some cities have formal policies regarding irregular migrants and a specific budget allocation for related services. Others make adjustments that are less formal in approach or less coordinated within the agency. Still other cities have yet to develop an approach to the irregular migrant population. Based on data from the City Initiative on Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe (C-MISE) and primary and secondary data collected by MIrreM partners from Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Poland, this working paper aims to provide an analysis Local level responses to address irregular migrants, including innovative practices where they have emerged and ongoing challenges in policy implementation, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10870031, More information
Siruno, Lalaine & Arjen Leerkes, 2023, Compilation of 15 Country Briefs on Irregular Migration Policy Context (Deliverable D3.2 for the Horizon Europe MIrreM Project), This deliverable provides an overview of the national policy landscape related to migrant irregularity for 15 countries in the form of Country Briefs. Briefs are provided for the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Türkiye, the United Kingdom and the United States. Lalaine Siruno and Arjen Leerkes wrote the report for the Netherlands, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10054956, More information
Marchand, Katrin, Ortrun Merkle, Lalaine Siruno, Mohammad Khalaf & Alice Antoniou, 2022, Identifying Employment-Specific Risks Facing Migrant Workers in the Cleaning Services, Logistics and Private Security Sectors from Asian Nations in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, The study commissioned by IOM looks into both enduring systemic issues and COVID-induced risks, including the lack of oversight due to contractual arrangements and unforeseen changes to the working arrangements, as contributing factors. With the identified risks, the research then provides tailored and direct recommendations for governments, brands, and employers to protect migrant workers in the cleaning services, logistics, and private security sectors, More information
Siruno, Lalaine, Mohammad Khalaf, Elaine Lebon-McGregor, Ortrun Merkle & Lana Eekelschot, 2022, Case Studies Illustrating How Fair and Ethical Recruitment Considerations Can Be Integrated in the Procurement of Labour Recruiters’ Services, The study commissioned by IOM seeks to provide practical guidance and additional resources for business enterprises employing migrant workers that will help them to improve procurement practices and fully integrate human rights principles and ethical standards in their supply chain management programmes, More information

Siruno, Lalaine, 2022, Responsibility and solidarity across the EU, Part of a special edition of the Studio Europa Maastricht policy briefs collection. This policy brief presents academic reflections on a selection of recommendations adopted at the European Citizens’ Panel on migration and EU in the world. Studio Europa Maastricht and European Institute of Public Administation (EIPA), in February 2022, hosted the panel in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe in Maastricht, More information

Other (editorship, media appearance, keynote, etc.)
Siruno, Lalaine, 2021, The Multi-Level Governance of Irregular Migration in the Netherlands, Part of the Dossier: Can we Govern Migration Better?, More information